Stan Steinreich

President & CEO

[email protected]

Stan Steinreich began his own consultancy in 2003 after more than 20 years experience creating and implementing global corporate communications programs for such leading companies as: Deutsche Bank, GE Capital, Armstrong Holdings, KPMG, Accenture, Humana, Royal Dutch Shell and Continental Airlines.


His experience includes strategic counseling and communications strategy development, media relations, CEO and senior executive positioning, change management communications, investor relations, crisis communications/issues management, community relations and corporate philanthropy.


Before starting Steinreich Communications, he was vice president of Corporate Communications and Chief Communications Officer of Armstrong Holdings, the $3.5 billion building materials manufacturer. There, he oversaw all company activities in the area of corporate communications, media relations, investor relations, community relations and government affairs. He was also President of the Armstrong Foundation, which contributed more than $3 million annually to local, national and international organizations.


Prior to Armstrong, he was EVP/National Director of Change Management Communications for Edelman Public Relations Worldwide in New York. He led one of the fastest growing practices in the public relations industry, as corporations are increasingly seeing the tangible benefits of improved employee and internal constituency communications.


Before Edelman, Steinreich was SVP/Group Director for Fleishman-Hillard International Communications in New York, where he specialized in CEO/senior management positioning, international corporate positioning campaigns and change management communications. He also directed the firm’s operations in the Middle East.


He has also been a senior executive with Burson-Marsteller, where he held such positions as: director of its corporate practice in Miami; business development director for its New York-based financial and professional services group; and head of worldwide media relations for Accenture.


Before entering public relations, he was a journalist with The New York Times and ABC News.


Steinreich serves on boards of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Herzog Medical Center and on the United Airlines’ Customer Insight Board. He is a former member of the executive committee of the Orthodox Union.


He received his bachelor’s degree in journalism from New York University.

  • Our clients view the success of our public relations programs by the
    correlation between media placements and a direct impact on their business.

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