Ariella Steinreich on JM in the AM LIVE From Dubai
Nachum Segal Network’s JM in the AM
Nachum Segal kicked off NSN’s historic week of broadcasts in the UAE presenting JM in the AM live from the Hilton City Al Habtoor in Dubai this morning. Nachum’s distinguished guest list included: Mission Chairman Ralph Rosenbaum of Rosenbaum Financial Services, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem and Co-Founder of The UAE-Israel Business Council, Ariella Steinreich, Senior VP at Steinreich Communications, Ross Kriel, President of the Jewish Council of the Emirates (JCE), David Walles, General Manager & CEO of Koshertravelers.com, and Thoufeek Zakriya, Sous Chef at TAJ DUBAI and chef de partie(CDP) at Taj Hotels.