PR PROfile: Stan Steinreich, Steinreich Communications
BullDog Reporter
By Richard Carufel
Stan Steinreich, CEO, Steinreich Communications
Length of PR career (so far): 38 years
Your most memorable campaign: For many years we represented 1-800-mattress. We helped a regional, tri-state, New York company take their message and brand nationally, and then globally, which was very successful.
Most poignant professional moment: We have represented the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous for about 12 years. Every year they reunite a non-Jewish rescuer who saved the life a Holocaust survivor by hiding them during the war, under the fear of death if they or their family were caught. The rescuer and survivor typically haven’t seen each other for 60 years or more. My eyes teared the first time we did this event at JFK airport. Every year we do this I pause at the reunion and contemplate how lucky I am to help publicize such an important story.
Number of 2 a.m. calls from a client this month: Many. We have international offices in London, Frankfurt & Tel Aviv that I travel to each month. It is very common I will get a call in the middle of the night while abroad or when I am back in New York with colleagues and clients across the globe in different time zones.
Best thing about working at your agency: The staff is amazing and dedicated to delivering results to our clients every day. Our senior staff is dedicated to teaching the art of media relations to our more junior level team members.
Last time you didn’t do any work all weekend: I recently flew to China and the travel time took up most of my weekend.
Most misunderstood thing about PR: Spin…I just hate that word. Good Public Relations professionals don’t spin, lie or make things up. We should be advocating for our clients.
Most outrageous client request: Being asked to write a client’s child’s graduate school application essay.
What got you interested in a PR career? I was working evenings as a journalist and my wife, who has a “normal” career as a school social worker, worked days. We were leaving post-it notes on pillows during the week. In an effort to get us on the same schedule, I saw public relations being a realistic transition from journalism with a more “normal” lifestyle … Haha!
Number of meetings you were in last week: 32
Rate your math skills from 1-10: 10, with a calculator!
Best advice to a PR student: Do as many internships as you can and take advantage of those opportunities to learn about our industry. The experiences you gain will be worth much more to an employer when you graduate.
What do you read daily? The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, USA Today, The (Bergen) Record, New York Post, New York Daily News, BuzzFeed, The Huffington Post and about 6 or 7 magazines during the course of the day.
The moment you realized PR is more fun than you thought it would be: I represented the first democratically elected president of Guatemala. On his first trip to the United States, I had the privilege of traveling with him and he took me to a meeting in the Oval Office with Bush 41.
Worst PR crisis in the news this year so far: Volkswagen. Not only did they lie, but it took weeks for them to unravel the story.
Brand that does the best PR/communications: Apple, they consistently drive the consumer marketplace.
Brand most in need of better PR: United Airlines, there is so much opportunity.
Favorite non-work hobby: Spending time with my family
Last book you read: A Perfect God Created An Imperfect World
Cocktail of choice: None. I prefer a Diet Coke on the rocks with a lemon twist
Favorite movie this year: American Sniper
Childhood “dream job”: Journalist. I was intrigued by how they reported on stories impacting the people around me.
Three people you’d love to invite to dinner: Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos